
Our houses are located in the amazing nature of Herjólfsdalur. There you can hike up the mountain surrounding the glamping site, where you can see lots of the birds, including Puffins.

We offer two types of houses.  

The barrel house has two areas; a bedroom with two seperated beds and a living room decorated in a "Home sweet home" style.  The A-house has one area with two seperated beds.

Price 16.900 kr pr.night.

There is electricity in the houses but no running water or kitchen unit.  There is fride in all the houses. There is very good service house on site, which includes 4 toilets, 5 shower, kitchen unit, a washing machine and a dryer. There is a playingground for children on site.

The swimming pool is located 300 meters away and the golfcourse 200 meters. Dog's are not permitted in Herjólfsdalur.

Price 16.900 kr. pr. night.

More information 00354-897-9010

For further information send us an email